G-Spot News – It exists but the English can’t find it.

Around three weeks ago we looked at a British scientific paper from Kings College London, which claimed the G-Spot was a figment of women’s imaginations. The original post is here (Sex News: G-Spot Confusion) and it generated Continue reading

Sex News: G-Spot Confusion

Adventurous readers may have already come across (no pun intended) news in the last couple of days that the Holy Grail of women’s erogenous zones, the G-Spot, has been discarded as a figment of the Continue reading

Women, Orgasms and Money (Warning: Misogynist at Work)

Ask yourself this simple question: Why is it that we find this advertisement for jewelry so amusing?


The answer to this question lies in the way in which the two images succinctly capture a number of recognisable stereotypes and myths about men, women, and sex.

The first of these myths is that women are attracted Continue reading